Welcome to the Ultimate Booty Builder workout! This glute targeted workout is devided into 3 sections + finisher and consists of AMAZING isolated exercises. Remember to squeeze in every exercise! Let's feel the burn and make those gains!
Booty Build Circuit 1.
-DB Banded Frog Hip Thrust with a Pulse 30 s
-DB Glute Bridge with Band 30 s
-Seated Abductions 30 s
x3 rounds
Booty Build Circuit 2.
-Extended Clamshell 30 s
-Donkey Kick Pulses 30 s
-Leaning Diagonal Kickback 30 s
x3 rounds
Booty Build Circuit 3.
- Elevated Single Leg RDL 30 s
- Fire hydrant with Extension 30 s
- Froggie Holds 30 s
x3 rounds
Finisher: Squat with Side Step 3 x 30 s
Equipment: Dumbbells and mini band.
Always do warm-up sets before heavy working sets.