Today's workout is so exciting!! Tell your abs that it's getting hot since we will do a fire abs workout utilizing bodyweight and a dumbbell. This workout will strengthen our core and support our other workouts with heavy compound movements as well.
After our abs are on fire, we will do a boosting lower body circuit which molds your glutes and legs but also improves your cardiovascular fitness. It's tough but rewarding! In this workout we use dumbbells and a mini band.
1. Twisting Sit Up 3 x 14
2. Toe Touchers with Weight 3 x 14
3. Russian Twist 3 x 16 (8 per side)
4. Boat Hold 3 x 30 sec
5. Lying Leg Raises 3 x 14
6. Side Plank with Hip Dips 3 x 14 per side
Boosting Lower Body Circuit - 3 rounds:
1. Pop squat 20
2. Single Arm Sumo Deadlift 10 per side
3. Low pulses 20
4. Rear Lunge to Knee Up 10 per side
5. Extended Clamshell 10 per side
6. Donkey Kicks 15 per side
7. Wide Stance Squat Jump 15
8. Side to Side Walk 20