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Authentic MovementsAuthentic Movements
/Creative Movement Play
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Funky Flow | Cross body Activation (Erin)

4.5|61 min|6 comments
Upper Body
Lower Body
Full Body
Challenge balance and your core strength in a new way. Join Erin on this funky ride around the mat.


Angela 3mo ago
Love love love!!!! In the moment…. Breath strong, body strong, mind strong. Thank you Erin!
Paige 5mo ago
honestly least favorite class i’ve taken so far. wasn’t really sure what the term “cross body activation” meant but was open to it. I found this flow to be particularly shoulder heavy for people who don’t have a lot of natural upper body strength. i also felt like it was a ton of time on our knees and being a pretty “boney” being, this flow made my bones pretty angry.
Julie 8mo ago
Thank you Erin! Challenging and wobbly at first but got smoother as we repeated. Your enthusiastic “Yay!”s made me giggle during the toughest of parts.
andi 1y ago
this has been a favorite of mine and one I've gone back to over and over again for years! a fun and funky challenge. I love listening to my favorite tunes and getting lost in this flow
Faye 1y ago
I was mainly falling out of every posture; not flowing at all, just struggling haha. I’ll come back to this if and when I am strong enough. Tough but beautiful class. In awe of Erin’s (what seems to be) super human strength!

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