This was from my "Train like a Pro" series and features the beautiful Aftan Noon and one her staple leg day workouts.
Aftan Noon is one of the top WBFF pros and someone I have admired for a long time. She's a former D1 athlete and has an incredible physique. She also owns her own posing business (and is my posing coach!).
Give her leg workout a try. It's killer and explains why she has such amazing legs! Go check her out on IG (@aftannoondelight).
A. Warm-up x 3 Rounds:
A1. Band Donkey Kick x 20 reps (each leg)
A2. Band Fire Hydrants x 20 reps (each leg)
A3. Band Bridges x 20 reps
B. 6 Sets
B1. Barbell Heels Elevated Back Squat
C. 4 Sets:
C1. Barbell Good Mornings Wide Stance x 15 reps
D. 3 Rounds (superset)
D1. TRX Bulgarian Split Squat x 12 reps (each leg)
D2. Box Jumps x 12 reps
E. 3 Rounds (Superset)
E1. Cable Straight Bar RDL x 15 Reps
E2. DB Staggered Stance RDL x 12 reps (each leg)
F. Leg Extension Single leg
F1. 3 Sets x 15 Reps (each leg)
Post Workout:
Walk 15-30 min on 5% Incline on Treadmill 3.5-4.5 mph