As a pro bikini competitor, Natalie Matthews is always striving to improve her glute game! This is one of her favorite glute-focused workouts that targets all parts of the glutes. Make sure to read the workout notes and challenge yourself!
Follow Natalie:
instagram: @FitVeganChef
YouTube: Natalie Matthews
TikTok @NatalieMatthewsOfficial
A. 4 Sets
A1. 12 DB or Landmine Sumo Squat x 12 Reps @ RPE 8
*Rest 1 min
**slow & controlled
B. 3-4 Sets:
B1. Pausing Hip Thrust x 10 Reps (4 sec hold at top) @ RPE 8-9
*Rest 1 min
** After last set, drop weight in half and go for AMRAP (as many reps as possible)
C. 3 Sets:
C1. DB Bulgarian Split Squat x 12 reps/leg @ RPE 8
*Rest 45 sec between sets & switching legs
**Beginners start by perfecting bodyweight form before adding weight.
D. 3 Sets
D1. DB RDL x 12 Reps @ RPE 8
*Rest 45 sec
E. 3 Sets:
E1. Cable Kick Back x 20 reps/leg @ RPE 8
*Rest 45 sec between sets & switching legs
**Pick a lightweight & focus on mind-muscle connection. Beginners start by perfecting bodyweight form. Squeeze glutes at the top and lower weight with control.
F. 2-3 Sets:
F1. Side to Side Banded Walk x 20 reps @ RPE 9
*Rest 45 sec between sets
** Light/Med Band. Place band right above the knees. Get into a 1/4 squat, stay low, feel the burn, and go side to side. Don’t let knees cave in & push the band out.
*RPE = Rate per exertion: Measures the intensity of the workout on a scale from 0-10 so higher RPE the more intense/weight the movement should be.