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Sarah HerseSarah Herse
/Sculpt Workouts

Summer Bodies: Defined Delts Workout

4.9|60 min|2 comments
Shoulder are my absolute favorite muscle group to train and this was a fun workout I did last week. This uses mostly dumbbells but I also included some band & cable work which you can modify if needed! A. Warmup 3 sets A1. Dumbbell jumping jack x 10 reps A2. Dumbbell halos x 30 seconds each side A3. Mountain climbers x 20 reps A4. Hollow body hold x 10 seconds Rest 30 seconds between sets B. 4 Sets: B1. Dumbbell strict press x 10 reps B2. Dumbbell push press x 5 reps *Rest 60 seconds between sets **pick a weight that gets you 1-2 reps shy of failure on the strict press, then immediately go into push press reps with same weight C. 3 Sets: C1. Dumbbell 1 & ¼ lateral raises x 10 reps C2. Banded lateral raise x 10 reps (if you don’t have a band, use a lighter set of DB's) *Rest 60 seconds between sets Do not rest between movements D. 4 Sets: D1. Half kneeling Arnold Press (single arm) x 12/arm *Rest 30 seconds between sets E. 3 Sets: E1. Dumbbell front raise x 20 reps E2. Dumbbell lateral raise x 20 reps E3. Dumbbell reverse fly x 20 reps *Rest 60 seconds between sets **Use light weight for this and perform all 3 movements without rest F. 1 Set: F1. Banded or cable face pull x 100 reps **Accumulate 100 reps as quickly as possible using a light/medium band or cable, take breaks as needed ***If you don’t have a band, sub with very light dumbbell reverse fly


Brandy 1y ago
Arms on fire🔥
Kise 2y ago
Best burn !!

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