I love the cable machine and can easily do an entire workout on it without having to bounce around the gym.
Here is a workout that will hit the legs & glutes. Enjoy!
A. 4 Sets:
A1. Rope Curtsy Lunge x 12 reps/leg
*Rest 30 seconds b/w sets
B. 3 Sets:
B1. V-Bar Squat x 20 reps
B2. Staggered Stance RDL x 15 reps/leg
*Rest 45 seconds b/w sets
(You can use the same v-bar attachment for the RDLs)
C. 4 Sets:
C1. Glute Kickback x 10 reps/leg
*Rest 30 seconds b/w sets
D. 4 Sets:
D1. Pull-Through x 15 reps
*Rest 30 seconds b/w sets