Here's a workout to build and sculpt your chest, triceps, & shoulders. that was from my Summer Bodies collection. This is designed for a gym but I've included home modifications as well.
A. Warmup
3 sets
Plank jacks x 20 reps
Superman lifts x 10 reps
Inchworm push-ups x 5 reps
Band pull apart x 20 reps
B. 4 Sets
B1. Barbell Bench press (sub with dumbbells if needed)
2 x 8 reps
2 x 6 reps
*Rest 60 seconds between sets
C. 3 Sets
C1. Seated Arnold Press x 15 reps
*Rest 60 seconds between sets
D. 3 Sets
D1. Dumbbell hex press x 12 reps
D2. Seated rear delt raise x 12 reps
*Rest 30 seconds between sets
E. 3 Sets
E1. Dumbbell front to lateral raise x 10 reps
E1. Cable or banded tricep push-downs x 15 reps
*Rest 30 seconds between sets
F. Finisher
F1. Band pull aparts x 100 reps
(break up into as many sets as you need to, but keep rest periods short)