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Hannah BowerHannah Bower
/Cardio & Core

Running/Cardio 5.12.22

5.0|45 min|7 comments
Lower Body
This weeks cardio workout is mile or 8 minute repeats! If you go for distance you’ll do 4 miles total. And if you go for time, you’ll be actively running/cardio-ing for 30 minutes + recovery time. Be fully recovered in between your mile repeats. 1/2 mile or 4 minutes. easy pace warmup 3x1 mile or 8 minutes. As fast as you can. (Rest completely between miles/mins) 1/2 mile or 4 minutes. Easy pace cooldown. The goal is to make each one of your miles as fast as you can. Can you make each one faster? Can you do a PR pace the first set and then do it again two more times? Enjoy!


Katie 7mo ago
Really had to push the last 2 minutes of each set - was very in my own head. But even still, I increased speed each time amd fought thru. Reminding myself hard summer runs will make for a faster fall. My mind needed the win today.
Katie 7mo ago
The last 8 kicked my ass, let the mental fight win with 2 minutes left. Disappointed but know I can do it. Saving to do again in the near future!
Katie 1y ago
Went for time instead of distance. Increased speed on repeats. Was hard. Really hard. The temp&humidity definitely played a role. Ready for cooler temps to see what the legs can do. Summer running is frustrating when you can't hit paces you want but I know the work now will make for a faster fall.
Cady 2y ago
Did for time and made it 4.15 miles 🙌🏼
Cady 2y ago
3 miles at solid race pace

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Running/Cardio 12.9.22