SUPERSET workout is alternating sets of two different exercises with no rest in between. Break after do 1 sets, example SUPERSET Biceps curl&Triceps extension is 90sec.
Cable Curls 5 × 13,12,11,10,8
Reverse Cable Curls 5 × 13,12,11,10,8
Overhead Triceps extension 5 × 13,12,11,10,8
Triceps Dips 5 × 13,12,11,10,8
Zottman Curl 4 × 12,10,10,8
Rope Pushdown 4 × 12,10,10,8
Machine Deltoid Raise 6 × 12,12,10,10,8,8
Cable Upright Rows 6 × 12,12,10,10,8,8
TRIPLE SUPERSET ( 80 sec. break among set )
Oblique Crunches 3 × 10,10,8
Weighted Crunches 3 × 10,10,8
Hanging Knee Twisting 3 × 10,10,8