DROPSET - A drop set is an advanced resistance training technique in which you focus on completing a set until failure — or the inability to do another repetition
DROPSET - DB Incline Curl 5 × 12,10,10,8,dropset
Cable Curls 4 × 12,11,10,10
Dumbbell Hammer curl 4 × 12,11,10,10
DROPSET Overhead Triceps extension 5 × 12,12,10,10, dropset
Triceps Press 4 × 12,12,10,10
Machine Triceps Extension 4 × 12,12,10,10
Cable Palm-Up & Down 5 × 15,12,12,10,10
Hanging Knee Ups 3 × 12,12,12
Fist Crunches 3 × 15,12,12
Russian Twist 2 × 30 sec.
Burpee - 25sec. - 60sec. break
Jump Lunges - 25sec. - 60sec. break
Jump rope- 25sec. - 60sec. break
All repeat 3 time