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Ida JeminaIda Jemina
/Booty Build Gym

W2/D1 Glutes and Legs Volume Pump

4.8|75 min|28 comments
Week 2! Time to increase the weights! Remember, this is how we make progress and gains. If you could do every rep and set last time properly, pic a bit heavier weights now. In today's workout we will get a lot of volume in! You got this! Always do warm up sets before working sets. 3 rounds with a band: Back leaning abduction 30s Upright abduction 30s Forward leaning abduction 30s 1. Hip Thrust 3x12 + Banded Hip thrust 3x20 2. Assisted romanian deadlift 3x12 + Bench glute kick back 3x20 3. Single leg diagonal leg press 3x12 4. Pull through3x15 5. Back extension for glutes 3x15 6. Twisting fire hydrant 3x13


Sanna 1y ago
Glutes on 🔥 tosi kiva treeni, meni todellakin sinne minne pitää liikkeet,🍑
Noelle 1y ago
Week 2 and just as good!
Benjamin 1y ago
Thanks again Ida. Great workout!
Heidi 2y ago
6/5 mutta liian pitkä 75 min ja alkulämmittely ja loppuverryttely suihkut yms niin liian kauan menee yhteensä.
Jennifer 2y ago
My butt hurts!! What a killer!

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W1/D1 Glutes and Legs Volume Pump