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Feel the Flow | Spinal Dance (Erin)

5.0|46 min|3 comments
Feel that flow as we go, is a process of building postures onto one another joining the breath. In today's class we take spinal mobility into a fluid dance with some moon salutations and circle wheel play. This class has a fu... more


Debbi 8mo ago
Thanks so much! Circle bridge is so nice
Faye 8mo ago
Beautiful flow! It felt incredibly fluid throughout all transitions. I felt space being created through my shoulders especially and overall I felt very supple. I love the affirmation of going at your own pace; I feel at ease the whole time. ❤️‍🔥🫶🏻💫‼️‼️‼️
Julie 8mo ago
Beautiful flow! Felt like a human paintbrush!

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