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Authentic MovementsAuthentic Movements
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Balancing energies Restorative (Erin)

5.0|38Β min|3 comments
A mix of a light yoga practice, breath work and philosophical teachings. This class is mellow and centering as we dive in the balancing of our energies. We learn about Ida and Pingala and how this subtle body is put into prac...Β more


Paige β€’ 2mo ago
A really amazing start to the day.
Lauren β€’ 2mo ago
I woke up needing a restorative class, this was wonderful. Thank you Erin πŸ™πŸ»βœ¨πŸ’œ
Heli β€’ 2mo ago
Very inspiring. Even when Erin goes through knee injury she finds the ways how to support herself and share her passion for yoga. Resiliency! There is so much beauty in simplicity of this class!

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