Swim 75 Sprint Swim: 1:00 hour
2900 yards/meters. This workout requires paddles to be completed as written but can be done without. You may kick with or without fins.
Workout Details:
- 600 yds @75-84% of Threshold Pace (200 swim, 200 kick, 200 pull)
12x50 Zone 5 Free (20 seconds rest)
- Hard 50 yds @106-120% of Threshold Pace (Zone 5)
- Easy 20 sec @75-84% of Threshold Pace (Zone 1)
4x25 Zone 5 Free Sprint on (10 seconds rest)
- Hard 25 yds @106-120% of Threshold Pace (Zone 5)
- Easy 10 sec @75-84% of Threshold Pace (Zone 1)
4x50 Zone 5 (on 20 seconds rest)
- Hard 50 yds @106-120% of Threshold Pace (Zone 5)
- Easy 20 sec @75-84% of Threshold Pace (Zone 1)
4x75 Zone 5 (on 25 seconds rest)
- Hard 75 yds @106-120% of Threshold Pace (Zone 5)
- Easy 25 sec @75-84% of Threshold Pace (Zone 1)
4x100 Zone 5 Sprint (rest 20 seconds)
- Hard 100 yds @106-120% of Threshold Pace (Zone 5)
- Easy 20 sec @0% of Threshold Pace (Zone 1)
Cool Down:
200 yds @75-84% of Threshold Pace (Zone 1)