Day 3
Bike FTP Test: 1:00 hour
Workout Details:
- 5 min @50-70% of FTP (Zone 1)
- 10 min @70-83% of FTP (Zone 2)
4 x :30 second sprints at Zone 4 with 1 minute of recovery in Zone 1 in between intervals
- Hard 30 sec @85-95% of FTP (Zone 4)
- Easy 1 min @50-70% of FTP
Recovery - 4 min @50-70% of FTP (Zone 1)
Perform a 20 or 30-minute time trial going as hard as you can maintain for that entire duration (This should be done on a level course or on a trainer). Use this workout to set or re-confirm your zones. Your zones based on a 30-minute test, so that number is more accurate. A 20-minute test is still good to go off of but times that number by .95 to get your number to plug into a zone calculator. You can choose to go for 20 or 30 minutes. This is an all-out effort
- 30 min @95-110% of FTP
Cool Down
5 min @50-70% of FTP (Zone 1)