Day 3
Bike Endurance Step Ups :45 minutes
These intervals will really build strength and speed. Each Interval set is 10 minutes long Starting inzllow Zone 3 and building up to Zone 4 with 4 minutes of recovery after. The interval set is repeated a total of 2 times.
Workout Details:
- 10 min @50-70% of FTP (Zone 1)
Main Set:
2 x 10-minute step-ups done as 5 minutes in Low Zone 3, 3 minutes in high Zone 3, 2 minutes in Low Zone 4 with 4 minutes of recovery in Zone 1 after each interval set
- 5 min @91-95% of FTP
- 3 min @95-100% of FTP
- 2 min @102-110% of FTP
- 4 min @50-70% of FTP (Zone 1)
- 7 min @50-70% of FTP (Zone 1)