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Hannah BowerHannah Bower
/Core Tutorials
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Tips for Understanding IAP

4.9|10 min|74 comments


Shalee 2y ago
I’m a little confused as why the videos all cut off before they seem to be finished. I would love to know how to fix it!
Dev 2y ago
Thank you. I feel I have a lot to learn and think some of my back pain/ issues may be from this. Excited to learn more
Selina 3y ago
Writing in white hard to read and too small. Stop. Insert a box for people to read. Makes it better quality.
Marie 3y ago
Completed the first time, but this will take time. I can feel I have some control in breathing in (the first half) then no matter how hard I focus can seem to feel the rest or the exhale control. This video will be on repeat for awhile! Love the instruction!!
Cait 3y ago
I have had 2 inguinal and 1 umbilical hernia. I’ve always been active and I am in good shape. I teach physical education and in all my experiences with college, playing sports, doctor visits, etc. no one has ever explained the importance of breathing and pressure in the abdomen. THANK YOU! After being on your app for 10 minutes I understand my body better and am hoping to improve my abdominal strength safely and correctly… FINALLY :)

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