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Lizette PompaLizette Pompa
/5 Week Beginners
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Week 3/Day 3

5.0|25 min|15 comments
Equipment: 1 Set of Medium-weight Dumbbells ... more


Alex 1mo ago
Awesome! Felt great! Went up in weight too! Thanks for making this fun!
Joysha 1mo ago
I don’t know if I’m getting stronger but I think I needed heavier weights for this day!
Jenny 3mo ago
I repeated this one again this week and it was great. Added heavier weight to floor presses. Keeping the rest the same until it feels easier, then will repeat with slightly heavier weights :)
Jenny 4mo ago
Kickstand RDLs followed by the alternating reverse lunges - whew! Felt good though!
Chelsea 5mo ago
Loving these workouts and definitely feeling myself getting stronger after 3 weeks!

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