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Brad TerrellBrad Terrell
/Hip Mobility
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Stage 5: Middle Splits

5.0|20 min|4 comments
Attempt Frog, Sphynx and Straddle lifts as you attempt your Middle Splits! Equipment: mat and wall


Heike 3y ago
Jessica 4y ago
Why are my hips tight?!
Icy 5y ago
Done with whole program. I really enjoyed! Thank you for creating this with so much useful information and very practical and challenging exercises! Your strength and mobility is inspiring! I am a big fan of your IG page too! Hope to train with you in person one day!
Adolfo 5y ago
Brad, Love the Sphinx to one legged frog as a hip opener. I still can’t go all the way down, but I did manage something I had never done before...I got up inside splits (or from straddle rotate onward and put soles of feet on floor) and was able to stay there a while. My left hip had never rotated enough for me to stay there. So, I’m going to practice and have patience (not my natural superpower, but working on it😂) and will also start to do your front split sessions and see where all this takes me. Thanks for all interest and quick responses. I’ll keep you updated and reach out of I get “stuck” (I mean no progress, not stuck in a

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