A. Warm-up x 3 sets
A1. Inchworm push-ups x 5 reps
A2. Scap pull-up x 5 reps
A3. Dead bug x 10 reps
B. 2 Sets
B1. Banded pull-up x 2-4 reps (using the absolute lightest band possible)
*Rest 1 minute between sets
C. 2 Sets
C1. Banded pull-ups x max reps in 1 minute
*Rest 1 min between sets
*Use a heavier band than part 1, one where you can get ~10 reps. Then accumulate as many reps as you can in 1 minute. Taking breaks when needed! See if you can match your reps on the second round
D. 4 Sets
D1. Bent over single arm dumbbell row x 12/arm
*see how heavy you can go!
E. 3 Sets
E1. Farmers carry (or hold) x 30 seconds (using heavy kettlebells or dumbbells)
E1. Plank hold x 30 seconds
*Rest 30 seconds between sets