A. Warm-up x 2 sets
A1. Banded pullover x 10 reps
A2. Plank shoulder taps + plank twist x 3 sets (of 4+2)
A3. Hanging hollow body hold x 10 seconds
B. 4 Sets
B1. Banded pull-up with slow eccentric x 3-5 reps
*Rest 45 seconds between sets
**Try to slow down the descent to 3-4 seconds; Use as light of a band as possible but where you can get at least 3 sets
C. 4 Sets
C1. Banded single arm high row x 10-15 reps per arm
*Rest 30 seconds between sets
*Pause each rep at the bottom and focus on squeezing your back
D. Core x 3 sets
D1. Hollow body rocks x 10 seconds
D2. Hollow body hold x 10 seconds
D3. Rocking plank x 10 seconds
D4. Plank hold x 10 seconds
*Rest as needed between sets
*Bend knees on hollow rocks/hold to modify