A. Warm-up x 3 sets
A1. Inchworm push-ups x 5 reps
A2. Scap pull-up x 5 reps
A3. Dead bug x 10 reps
B. Accumulate 50 jumping pull-ups for time
*Take as many sets as you need to, but try to keep rest periods short. If you don’t have the set-up to do jumping, you can do banded pull-ups using a light to medium band
C. 4 Sets
C1. Dumbbell pullover x 10 reps
C2. Seated banded lat pulldown x 10-15 reps
*Rest 30 seconds between sets
D. 3 Sets
D1. Chin over bar hold x 10-20 seconds
D2. Hollow body rocks x 10 reps
*Rest 30 seconds between sets