A. Warm-up x 2 sets
A1. Crossover jacks x 10 reps
A2. Skier jack x 10 reps
A3. Scap push-up x 10 reps
A4. Banded bent over rows x 10 reps
A5. Active hang from pull-up bar x 10 seconds
B. Lesson 4 – elbow position (watch video)
C. 2 Sets
C1. Banded 1 & ¼ pull-ups x 3-6 reps (stopping 1-2 reps shy of failure)
*Rest 60-90 seconds between sets
*Note: Really focus on maintaining a good elbow position today. They should point slightly outward and draw into the sides of your body.
D. 2 Sets
D1. Banded pull-ups x 3-5 reps (stopping 1-2 reps shy of failure)
*Try to use a thinner band for this if possible. Continue to focus on elbow position
E. 3 Sets
E1. Ring/TRX Rows x 6-10 reps at 31x1 tempo (3 counts down, 1 count pause at the top & bottom)*
E2. Standing bent over lat pulldown x 12-15 reps
*Rest 45 seconds between sets
*Sub with inverted rows on barbell if needed
F. 3 Sets – core
F1. Rocking plank x 30 seconds
*Rest 30 seconds between sets