A. Warm-up x 2 sets
A1. Crossover jacks x 10 reps
A2. Skier jack x 10 reps
A3. Scap push-up x 10 reps
A4. Banded bent over rows x 10 reps
A5. Active hang from pull-up bar x 10 seconds
B. Pull-up test
*We are retesting your make pull-ups to see if you have improved from week 1. If you can do at least 1 pull-up (full range of motion, overhand grip) without a band, then do this test without. Otherwise, use the same band from week one.
First warm-up by trying a pull-up or 2 with good support (i.e. should feel easy). Then we’ll move into the test.
B1. Pull-up x max reps with full range of motion (using band if needed) then note down how many you got. You must reach full extension at the bottom and chin over the bar at the top.
*If you got the same score as week one – do not fret! It’s still very early in the program.
C. 3 Sets
C1. Band -assisted pull-ups x 6-9 reps (stopping 1-2 reps shy of failure)
*See if you can get an extra rep here as well compared to week 1.
D. 4 Sets
D1. Banded single arm high row x 10-15 reps per arm
*Rest 30 seconds between sets
*Pause each rep at the bottom and focus on squeezing your back
E. Lesson 5 – the importance of core strength
F. Core x 3 Sets
F1. Hollow body hold x 20 seconds (bend knees if needed)
F2. Low plank hip dips x 20-30 seconds
*Rest 1 min between sets