A. Warm-up x 2 Sets
A1. Plank jacks x 10 reps
A3. Scap pull-ups x 5 reps
A4. Single dumbbell bent over row (using both hands) x 10 reps
A5. Single dumbbell bent over row iso hold x 10 seconds
B. Every 30 seconds for 5 minutes (10 sets)
B1. Pull-up x 1-2 reps
*Use no band if you can do at least one pull-up; otherwise use as light of a band as possible and complete 1-2 reps of pull-ups every 30 seconds
C. 4 Sets
C1. Ring/TRX rows with feet elevated x 5-10 reps
Rest 45 seconds between sets
*Try to get horizontal and keep your core tight. If you have nowhere to elevate your feet, just lower the rings/trx. If needed, you can sub with inverted rows on the barbell.
D. 2 Sets
D1. Dead hang from pull-up bar x 20-30 seconds
*Rest 1 min between sets
*Push yourself- this is to build grip strength!