A. Warm-up x 2 sets
A1. Banded pullover x 10 reps
A2. Plank shoulder taps + plank twist x 3 sets (of 4+2)
A3. Hanging hollow body hold x 10 seconds
B. 4 Sets
B1. Pull-up negative x 5 reps with 4-5 count descent
*Rest 1 minute between sets
*Try to go slower and more controlled than you did in week one. Use a band if you cannot control the descent on your own.
C. 3 Sets
C1. Dumbbell pullover (on bench or floor) x 10 reps
C2. Lying banded pullover x 10-15 reps
*Rest 1 minute between sets
*Focus on engaging your lats by keeping elbows pointed up and getting a good stretch in the lat muscles.
D. 3 Sets (core)
D1. Hollow body hold x 20-30 seconds
*Rest 45 seconds between sets
*See if you can hold this position a little longer this week. Bend knees if needed to modify