Welcome to the pull-up program! I'm so excited to help you master one of my favorite movements: the pull-up. Please note that this is an accessory program and is designed to be done on top of your regular fitness program. Check the description for FAQs & message me with any questions! Let's get started!
A. Warm-up x 2 Sets
A1. Crossover jacks x 10 reps
A2. Skier jack x 10 reps
A3. Scap push-up x 10 reps
A4. Banded bent over rows x 10 reps
A5. Active hang from pull-up bar x 10 seconds
B. Lesson one – what is a proper pull-up and why do we do them? (watch video)
C. Pull-up test:
*We are starting the program with a test so that you have a baseline to compare to moving forward. If you can do at least 1 pull-up (full range of motion, overhand grip) without a band, then do this test without. If you cannot, then select a band where you can get 1-5 pull-ups max. If none of your bands work, I recommend ordering a thicker one (Amazon has some available). First warm-up by trying a pull-up or 2 with good support (i.e. should feel easy). Then we’ll move into the test.
C1. Pull-up x max reps with full range of motion (using band if needed) then note down how many you got. You must reach full extension at the bottom and chin over bar at the top.
D. 2 Sets
D1. Band -assisted pull-ups x 6-8 reps (stopping 1-2 reps shy of failure)
*Find a band where you can comfortably get 6-8 reps without going to complete failure.
*Rest 90 seconds between sets
E. 3 Sets
E1. Ring/TRX rows (or sub with bodyweight inverted rows using the barbell placed in the rack) x 10-12 reps
*Rest 60 seconds between sets
*Make sure you position yourself so that 10-12 reps feel challenging but doable. The closer you move your feet to the rack, the harder it will be. You can also adjust the height of the rings/TRX to increase/decrease difficulty.
F. Core x 3 Sets
F1. Hollow body hold x 20 seconds
*Rest 30 seconds between sets
*Bend knees to modify