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Hannah BowerHannah Bower
/Get Stronger: Dumbbell
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Mindset 4: Discipline and Grace

5.0|10 min|29 comments
PLEASE READ DESCRIPTION: On these mindset's we are going to dive into uncomfortable and semi-controversial topics.... more


Cynthia 1y ago
This one hit different this time around. My first go through this program felt like a breeze. Life has changed in so much ways that this time through feels and looks so different BUT everything rang just as true as it did the first time I heard it. Last year I was guilty of giving myself too much grace I think. This year I'm definitely having a better balance of discipline (and honesty). Thank you Hannah and Michal
Katie 1y ago
Love this journey we are all on together. I think I go through aspects where I give myself too much Grace or I have too much discipline. I fall into patters that are extreme on both ends of the spectrum and I think that is just the rollercoaster of this journey plus added postpartum.
Patty 2y ago
Grace and discipline are definitely hard to balance. Thank you both for sharing your thoughts.
Keri 2y ago
I love watching these mindset videos. I’ve read all the mindset posts on fb, but I’ve saved watching the videos as a reminder. Being a first time mom, each week is different what I need to give myself. But I believe I am getting better at listening to my body when it needs rest or if I can push myself a little more to get a workout in. It feels good. Thank you both!
Lily 3y ago
Still learning the balance of grace and discipline. I was previously a yes or no person. Black and white thinking and would punish myself with fitness or dieting. I have since shifted my discipline thinking into self care but when I fall off, my grace has started to kick in and I no longer completely give up. I tell myself it’s okay and just stand back up.

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