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Hannah BowerHannah Bower
/Get Stronger: Dumbbell
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Mindset 5: Why the scale shouldn’t be your only goal.

5.0|15 min|35 comments
Join us on this Mindset Monday as we discuss why the scale or weight loss shouldn’t be you’re ONLY fitness goal. Or more accurately why it shouldn’t be the end-all-be-all reason for your fitness journey... why it shouldn’t b... more


Cynthia 1y ago
Exactly what I needed to hear again this week! Thank you wonderful ladies
Celine 2y ago
I’m so happy you guys shared this. Ever since having a baby, I have been obsessed with the scale and getting my body back. Within a couple months (and after sweating off many many pounds of water weight) I was back to my before pregnancy weight. But then after having to stop breastfeeding early for many very unfortunate reasons, I gained 6 pounds I can’t shake. It has been hard for me since no girls I know weigh as much as me. BUT right now I am the healthiest and most in shape I have been for years (probably since running high school track with Michal 10 years ago). Plus I’ve always just been pretty muscular. And if I am all those things now, but I weigh more, then I don’t need the cherry on top! I never liked 🍒 anyway 😜
Ashley 2y ago
I needed to hear this today. Thank you guys!
Charlotte 2y ago
I have found these motivation videos more helpful than I could have ever imagined. I initially just used your programs for the workouts. It wasn’t until I actually started watching the motivation videos of you guys that I have actually stuck to a program for going on 5 weeks. Thank you, thank you, thank you
Taylor 2y ago
This was a much needed pep talk this morning! I am an actress and I’ve been told precious how I need to drop weight for different roles so the scale has always been the goal for me. I feel like I’ve run myself into the ground chasing a number even when I’m doing everything I possibly can to get to a certain weight. But this was a super helpful mental adjustment. My goal for this week is to learn to do a pull-up. I’ve always wanted to do one!

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