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Hannah BowerHannah Bower
/Get Stronger: Dumbbell
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Mindset 6: Tough Love

5.0|10 min|16 comments
This weeks mindset is for those who need a little push, a little tough love, someone to tell them to just do it. Because we all reach this point, where we need the accountability of someone telling us to do what we know we S... more


Katie 1y ago
This episode consisted of a lot of realizations for me and a lot of good reminders that I can keep in the back of my mind for the days when I need to be a little bit more appreciative and I need to be a little bit more focused on the long-term goals that I do have an want to accomplish. Thank you both so much.
Jenna 2y ago
Great topic! It’s so true that the privilege of being able to move our bodies can often be overlooked so I love that you both brought that to light. The other points you made also made me think of exercising and moving your body as an investment for future you to be healthy, mobile and able to keep up with anything that you might encounter in the future. Excited to knock out this final week!
Onalise 2y ago
I have not done even a fraction of the workouts that I intended to do with this program/challenge. I hate to see them disappear because I enjoyed the workouts that I did so much! But, if there is one thing I’ve learned from this challenge is that I am deserving of grace and this is a process. I REFUSE to let myself be defeated by this challenge. REFUSE. Guilt is a useless emotion. I am listening to all of the Mindset Mondays again, taking some notes on ideas that really speak to me and my fitness journey, and going from there. I’m going to write down everything I’ve learned in the past six weeks, and build upon that. Did I meet my goals? No. I did not. Did I learn something about fitness and myself? Abso-fuckin-lutely.
Brandi 2y ago
I had to do this today! I packed my gym bag last night. I stayed at work later than planned and even told someone there "I'm not going to the gym now, I wanted to, but it's late and I'm sure it's packed". I got in my car and had to turn left to go to the gym or right to go home and I said "fuck it" and went to the gym. I didn't stay long but it was the first time going to the gym rather than a home workout in a while and it felt great to use the machines. So glad I shut down the excuses and went ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Caitlin 2y ago
Absolutely. ⭐💛

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