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Morgan TylerMorgan Tyler
/20 Minute or Less Flow
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Rise + Shine HIPS

4.9|22 min|6 comments
Level 1. Work out some crunches and kinks within the hips to get your day started on a smooth note 🥰


Jamie 2mo ago
Such a good hip opener/relaxer and felt stability throughout 🙌🏼
Laura 7mo ago
Felt amazing in between meetings thanks
Ali 8mo ago
I would love it if a transition would sometimes be explained while holding the previous pose - I found myself awkwardly looking at the phone trying to copy a transition as it happened during this class (as we spun to face the back of the mat!) Thanks for a great morning class!
G 10mo ago
Happy happy hips! I’m inspired by Morgan’s creativity every time
Lindsey 10mo ago
Definitely recommend if you have a desk job where you may not get to stand up and move around as much as you would like. Such a great, smooth but still deep hip stretch that I definitely needed!

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