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Hannah BowerHannah Bower
/30 Minutes and Under
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Mindset 4: Separating Effort From Performance

5.0|8 min|35 comments
All Levels
Week 4 let’s goooo! This is the turning point in the program, this week we will be repeating week 1 workouts.... more


Jessica 6mo ago
Think I need to watch this video every day 🥰
Emily 1y ago
Absolutely love this mindset and a small part of me definitely needed to hear it.
Leigh-Ann 1y ago
Thanks so much for this! I really appreciate how you gave me understanding about the balls to the wall method. I used to think balls to the wall was the only way to go and that if every single workout I did not hit a personal best then it was a failure. So based on this trying to hit personal best every single workout I thought literally within how much time will it be before I can lift a car or something I thought when will the end be how how heavy do I need to lift and I had started to think that I don't need to hit a personal best every time and this video really helped me understand from your point of view the person with more experience the certified person that every workout does not equal 20 new personal best thank you.
Maddie 1y ago
Getting caught up on the mindsets and my goodness... I gotta prioritize these. Thanks ladies. Such good advice and so applicable to all aspects of life.
Ashley 1y ago
Yes! Life has me on a different course than these workouts right now, but these mindsets hir the spot! I know I'm late to watch this. Thank you as always guys for the encouragement that cans are not just quantitative!

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