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Jules ShawJules Shaw
/Bodyweight Strength

W3/D3 Wednesday Challenge

5.0|45 min
Abs & Core
Full Body
Week 3/Day 3: Wednesday Challenge Warm up with 5-10 mins of steady state cardio on the bike, rower, or running. 20 rounds: 20-19-18-17-16... Sit-ups 2-4-6-8-10... Jumping lunge (Start at 20 sit-ups and decrease by 1 each round for 20 rounds. Start at 2 jumping lunges (1/side) and increase by 2 each round for 20 rounds.) **This is a very high volume workout. If you complete the workout, you will have performed 420 jumping lunges and 240 sit-ups. Set a timer for yourself between 30-60 minutes and do not be discouraged if you do not finish within that timeframe.

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