Hi - my name is Dr. Jacob, I’m a Doctor of Physical Therapy. I’ve been helping people solve their mobility issues, reduce pain, and prevent injuries on social media. Now, I have developed a place where my content is categorized and programmed to fit your needs on a daily basis.
I have been in practice as a physical therapist in Southern California for over 8 years, and my focus has been orthopedics, kinesiology, and becoming an expert in the musculoskeletal system. It has been my experience that mobility work is the key ingredient to injury recovery, but more importantly injury prevention. We have a tendency to utilize the health care system and it’s practitioners as a reactive mechanism to our process. Think about it. We get injured, or we get sick, and then we seek medical attention — but here’s the thing: we all know that eating our fruits and vegetables will reduce our risk of getting sick, right? Or flossing our teeth will help prevent cavities and gum disease. The same is true with movement and exercise, but specifically mobility work and it’s relation to injury prevention. Do the mobility work, prevent the injury.
Movement is healing. Movement is medicine. Our bodies are capable of so much more than we give yourselves credit. We can efficiently reduce inflammation in the body through movement. We can recover faster from an injury through movement. And more importantly, we can significantly reduce our risk of injury in the first place through movement and mobility work.
Welcome to my app. I’m so glad you’re here. I’ll keep doing what I do best and provide you as much value as possible so that you can keep doing what you do best.