What’s going on everyone! My name is Trevor Signorino and here is my story. Fitness has been a passion of mine since the moment I got my first gym membership in 7th grade. My dream was to earn a full scholarship for sports and I knew to achieve this I would need to put the work in at the gym. Long story short, due to extensive injuries to my body, my dreams of achieving a sports scholarship were cut short. From that moment forward, fitness would go from one of my passions in life, to THE passion of my life. Working out became my new “sport” and what I love so much about fitness, is that you get to compete against yourself everyday. As time went on, I was fortunate enough one day to go to NYC and a modeling agent had taken notice of me. I would go on to sign a contract with a major modeling agency and over the years I have built a strong portfolio as a top fashion model. It has been 5 years and counting for my modeling career and during those times I have been blessed to work with some of the biggest companies and markets all over the world. Becoming a top fashion model in a cut-throat industry has not always been as easy task but it has always pushed my boundaries to being my best at any given moment, especially in regards to my physique. People began following me more and the question I get asked the most is always in regards to fitness. I took notice of that and decided it was time I applied myself to becoming a certified trainer. I did not want to just better myself anymore, I wanted to better those around me and all the people who have taken an interest in my fitness lifestyle. Helping people achieve their fitness goals is something that has brought a lot happiness to me and I can’t wait for all of you to get started with me. My life has had plenty of setbacks and hardships but they have helped shape my life and create my story. Now, let’s begin the next best chapter in your story, and do something today that your future self will thank you for.