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Holixtic .Holixtic .
/Postpartum Love
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Postpartum flow

5.0|30 min|11 comments
This gentle class that focuses on slowly rebuilding the core and pelvic floor strength and getting rid of the mum pouch ! As well as stretching the whole body specially the upper back and chest that gets extremely tight from ... more


Bianca 3d ago
This was a good start to my health , body, mind after giving birth ❤️
Diane 8d ago
This was my first class post partem and it felt amazing, thank you!
Ericka 3mo ago
Are your blocks made from foam? Mine are made from cork so when I put it under my shoulder blades it’s not so comfortable.
Sarah 4mo ago
I’m 10 weeks PP and this felt glorious. I did yoga before and throughout my pregnancy but felt unsure of how to get back into it. This class was perfect.
Sally 6mo ago
Amazing!! I’m so tight after taking care of my 3 kids and holding my baby a lot! I have diastasis recti too so trying to correct that as well

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Key to postpartum recovery