What is the MomCORE Program like? This is the whole body restorative program with low impact core/pelvic floor focused workouts, functional movement, posture, and cardio workouts that I created for anyone that has been pregnant/delivered a baby OR is experiencing core and pelvic floor dysfunction.
I'm a beginner, newly postpartum, or 10+ years postpartum, is MomCORE for me? No matter where you are in your season of fitness or motherhood, my workouts and programs posted in my app are for any level of fitness. Plus, I walk you through all exercises with easy-to-follow videos. This means you’ll be able to do all the moves easily, accurately, and safely.
**If you are newly postpartum (c-section included), you can begin when you are ready according to the ACOG! Listen to your body and special requests from your OB
I'm Pregnant, can I do the MomCORE Program? Sure can!! Plus I have a full Prenatal Program, the Bump In Core Method! Follow along with my pregnancy/bump as you go through yours!
There are so many benefits to exercise during pregnancy for you and your baby! Another thing to keep in mind is that each mamas fitness level and tolerance level is different. There really aren't hard rules for exercises that are off limits during pregnancy. Listen to your body, take breaks as needed, look for signs of intolerance like belly coning or doming, refrain from laying on your belly once it become uncomfortable! If you need more modifications during workouts, reach out to me and id be happy to help!
Yes! You'll need equipment to get started!
Bench (or chair/couch)
Dumbbells 3-5 lb and 8- 10lb
Loop resistance band
Long resistance band with handles
Pilates ball - 9in inflated ball
What is core and pelvic floor dysfunction? →C-section apron, scar tingling, numbness, hypersensitivity
→Lower belly pooch that you can't ditch, diastasis or "looking pregnant"
→Painful intercourse (9 out 10 women experience this the first time they have sex post baby and many experience that pain 18months postpartum, that is NOT normal)
→Leaking with coughing, sneezing, jumping, running, lifting
→Slouched posture
→Chronic lower back pain
→Hypertonic (overactive) or Hypotonic (underachieve) pelvic floor
→Trouble starting to pee, emptying bladder, constipation
→Tailbone pain