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Dr. Jacob Dr. Jacob
/Lower Body

Leg day 1 (Lvl1)

4.9|24 min|20 comments
Warm Up
Lower Body
1. Hips posterior Lv1 2. Hips modified pigeon Lv1 3. Hips reach ups Lv1 4. Hips seated fig4 str Lv1 Hip mobility is something that almost everyone needs. Whether you are stiff or whether you’re hypermobility, we all can benefit from the mobility work in this section. Some theories in conservative health and wellness claim that the hips are the foundation to our body’s entire function. I’ve certainly found in practice that targeting the hips can take a lot of stress off of the low back and knees. Similarly the ankles are often times overlooked. On leg day, its important to check in with your ankle mobility because again, lack of mobility here can and will result in increased stress to the knees and low back.


Waleed 1mo ago
Kamila 4mo ago
Deisy 7mo ago
Loved it!! Been suffering from sciatica and hip pain for a long while. Grateful that I remember your ig page and saw that you have an app. Thanks Dr Jacob. Looking forward for more mobility work. I want to be pain free.
Mk 9mo ago
Great exercises. Thanks!!
LUKE 11mo ago
Anytime of day. Might get alot of pops like I do ...

More workouts from Dr. Jacob

Leg day 2 (Lvl3)