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Workout logging, scheduling, and more
Videos for each exercise
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    • The ultimate glute-specific program for women!
    • Built for women looking to sculpt their glutes and achieve a firm, toned booty.
    • Expertly crafted workout plan, to see noticeable results in just four short weeks.

Exclusive Programs

  • Strength
  • 6 weeks, 5 days per week
Hot Girl Summer
Hot Girl Summer
  • Lean Muscle
  • 6 weeks, 5 days per week
  • Bodybuilding, HIIT, Cardio
  • All Levels
  • Gain Muscle
  • 4 weeks, 5 days per week
  • Functional, Glutes
  • Intermediate
Forever ShredSummer 2
Forever ShredSummer 2
  • Shred
  • 8 weeks, 5 days per week
  • All Levels
  • Gain Muscle
  • 8 weeks
Hustle for the Muscle
Hustle for the Muscle
  • Gain Muscle
  • 6 weeks
  • All Levels
Iron Dash
Iron Dash
  • Lean Muscle
  • 8 weeks, 5 days per week
  • All Levels
Love this app!!! Every workout is challenging and I've had amazing results.
Beautiful, user friendly app. truly enjoying having quick access to workouts. makes reaching my goal of daily movement much easier.
Clear, strightforward, focused workouts that are enjoyable and effective.

App Features

Notes & Logging
Track your weights, time, and reps. Take notes to capture your thoughts when working out
Set workout reminders to stay on track!
Save your favorite workouts with one tap
Video Workouts
Easy-to-follow videos for every workout in the app
Make sure you stay on track with your goals
Track your progress and share it to Instagram
Notes & Logging
Track your weights, time, and reps. Take notes to capture your thoughts when working out

I'm Ashley, and this is my story...

Ashley Horner is a fitness model, celebrity, hybrid athlete, and trainer whose reach and influence extend globally. Through the vast reach of her social media platform, she is a strong proponent of women’s empowerment. Ashley encourages women all around the world to live boldly, love fiercely, and push every boundary. Her career has seen her establish a strong influence working with military personnel, as Ashley has helped train American SWAT teams as well as personnel at the United States Embassy in France. In addition to her involvement with the Military, Special Forces, and First Responder community, she continues to work with groups and individuals locally in her home city of Virginia Beach, Virginia. Ashley’s entrepreneurial endeavors are as diverse as her fitness interests. She owns a training facility, American Sled Dogs. She developed the WERV apparel company that stands for, WE ARE VICTORIOUS. In 2016 she opened Virginia Beach’s exclusive coffee and whiskey bar, and restaurant, The American Brew. Ashley continues to be a leading trainer and professional in the fitness industry, always pushing those who she works with to train like they expect to perform. She knows that having a strong mindset is a key factor when it comes to accomplishing what you set out to do, and it is this kind of disciplined attitude that has allowed Ashley to complete many mind-grueling feats of her own. Ashley is also very involved with humanitarian work at the Maison Fortune Orphanage in Hinche, Haiti. She has developed a special bond with the children and staff over the last several years, and they are the primary beneficiary of her charitable efforts. As well as her deep love and involvement with the K9 community and non-profits like SpikesK9. Her motto, “I stand for the broken,” describes the strength of her commitment to those in need.

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