I’ve tried it all when it comes to trying to achieve my “ideal” body. Starvation diets, veganism, numerous fad diets, fasts, juice cleanses, excessive cardio … the works. I was so obsessed with becoming small I pursued a BS in Nutritional Science and Dietetics (University of Arizona), MS in Kinesiology and Sport Nutrition (Georgia Southern) and threw myself headfirst into the sport of bodybuilding.
After achieving the size I believed (at the time) happiness and fulfillment could be found - I was shocked and disappointed to find myself depressed, insecure, and simply insufferably self involved.
That was the moment I accepted that the body I wanted, was one that allowed me to live my best life.
- A body that was capable of any challenge I threw at it
- A body that enjoyed going out to eat and living freely
- A body that didn’t stress about travel and not being near a gym.
I currently serve a variety of clients needs - from strength, to endurance, to simply living a healthy lifestyle fueled by body confidence. Through my education and experiences I have learned a lot about metabolism, nutrition, sport supplementation, human anatomy, human kinetics, biomechanics, and a healthy mindset.
This is the foundation of how I have achieved my personal success in the fitness/health industry and what influences how I assist others in achieving their own sustainable change in body composition and healthy relationship with food.