What are the goals of the program? This program is focused on building PHYSIQUE and STRENGTH.
By familiarizing you with methods implemented by both amateur and professional bodybuilders, you will learn HOW to change the way your body looks.
Furthermore, this program will utilize the PROVEN benefits of COMPOUND lifts, i.e. BENCH PRESS, DEADLIFTS, and SQUATS. For more info on the benefits of compound lifts, see my “Insights” page.
How to get the best outcome of the program? Fully complete as many of the workouts as possible!!
There are many nuances and details to the program that can help you benefit more completely:
1. Squeezing. Squeezing at the top of any isolated movement (like a curl, or a lateral raise, or a leg press) will help foster a mind muscle connection that will be CRUCIAL to long term aesthetic training. A better contraction will create a better physique.
2. Fighting STRESS. Stress is the #1 killer of effective training. If you WORRY about going to the gym, or really freak out over trying to get each movement PERFECTLY, your body will not adapt as well to the training stimulus.
3. Bracing and breathing. Breathe fully and intentionally before EACH rep. Exhale as you lift weight UP. This method will help you learn how to brace, which is critical for ALL modalities of training. Breathing properly will also help HONE your FOCUS.
How to schedule the program into a week? As this is a 4 day/week program, I would recommend planning the three days of rest throughout the week, so as to evenly disperse your training.
What do I need to participate in this program? A membership to most gyms should do the trick.
Who are these workouts for (skill-level)? Beginner to Mr./Ms. Olympia.