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/Functional Method 2.0

TFM 2.0: Week 3 - Monday

5.0|75 min|6 comments
Leg Day Warm Up: Perform each exercise one after the other with no rest in between exercises. Do 1 set. - Lateral Band Walk x 25 (each side) - Stretch Kick to Back Lunge x 10 (each leg) - Pike Fold to Squat Hold x 10 - Band Glute Bridges w/ 2 Second Hold x 15 - Bodyweight Squats x 20 Workout: Perform all sets and reps of each movement before moving on to the next. Rest 2-3 minutes in between sets of the barbell box squats and rest 2 minutes in between sets of the rest of the exercises. Go as heavy as possible while maintaining perfect form! - Barbell Box Squat 4 x 6 - Barbell Sumo Deadlifts 3 x 8 - DB Walking Lunges w/ 2 Second Pause 3 x 10 (each leg) - DB Kickstand RDL’s 3 x 8 (each leg) Swing Squat Jump Finisher: Perform the prescribed time of each exercise one after the other. Once you finish the last exercise, rest 60 seconds. Do 3 sets. - KB Swings x 20 seconds - KB Squat Cleans x 20 seconds - KB Jumping Deadlifts x 20 seconds Extra Credit | Calves + Core: Perform the prescribed reps of the exercises below one after the other with no rest in between. Once you finish the second exercise, rest 60 seconds. Do 3 sets. - DB Calf Raise w/ 2 Second Pause x 10 - Band Pallof Press + Rotation x 10 (each side) Cool Down: Perform each stretch one after the other with no rest in between. Do 1 set. - Pigeon Stretch x 60 seconds (each side) - Band S. Leg Hamstring Stretch 60 seconds (each side) - Couch Stretch x 60 seconds (each side)


Yhali 1mo ago
Holy fk
Mark 4mo ago
Really good! KB finisher crushed me! 🔥🔥🔥🔥👊👊👊🦿🦿
Milen 6mo ago
Super leg’s🤘
Mark 9mo ago
Legs are toast!
Milen 10mo ago
Good workout and burning finish✌🏻

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