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Vision TwinsVision Twins
/LOSE 25lbs

HIIT Circuit - Tuesday

4.6|30 min|4 comments
This HIIT workout is a Heart Rate focused session for Tuesday. It includes a warm-up, four rounds of exercises, and a cool-down. Warm-up: 1. Jog or walk for five minutes. 2. Perform dynamic stretches, such as side lunges, leg swings, and hip circles. Round 1-4 1. Jump Squats for 25 repetitions. 2. High Knee Press for 50 repetitions. 3. Modified High Knee Crunch for 60 Seconds. 4. 60 Second Sprint in Place. Cool-down: 1. Walk or jog for five minutes. 2. Perform static stretches, such as quadriceps stretch, hamstring stretch, and chest stretch.


Kasid 1y ago
Crystal 1y ago
Make it like a video with the form and timer and breaks for the straight 30 minutes
Kenneth 2y ago
Was not to hard, but got my heart pumping
Ben 2y ago
Thankful for this workout👌🏻

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