This series is a great place for beginners to start their yoga journey or for existing yogis to deepen their practice. Discover fun and creative ways to connect to your inner strength, become open and free in your muscles and most importantly- feel amazing!
Each class focuses on a different area of the body and is filled with the dynamic stretches, restorative holds, and intuitive movements I use on a daily basis. Take it step by step with approachable, easy to follow instructions. I’ll be sharing my tips and secrets with you so that you get the most out of your workout. Together we'll move, sculpt and tone your body, helping you become stronger and more flexible than ever before!
The series consists of 8 videos between 20-50 minutes long, providing you with a well-rounded practice that you can work through at your own pace. These classes are not meant to be easy — they’re going to push you, expand your limits helping you gain confidence both on and off the mat.
Yoga, Stretching, Bodyweight, Full Body
Level: All Levels
Yoga, Stretching, Bodyweight, Full Body
Level: All Levels
Class 1: Get Moving
Home, Stretching, Full Body, Legs, Beginner, Mobility, Yoga, Upper Body, Abs & Core, Lower Body
Class 2: Happy Hips and Hamstrings
Full Body, All Levels, Glutes, Legs, Mobility, Home, Stretching, Yoga, Lower Body
Class 3: Neck and Shoulders
Stretching, Arms, Beginner, Full Body, Back, Mobility, Yoga, Home, Upper Body