Hey there, I’m Hailey! I’m so glad you’re here & hope that this app helps you fall in love with feeling strong, both physically & mentally!
A little bit about me…Fitness & athletics have been my thing throughout middle school and high school. My main sport I played was volleyball but at 16 years old, I fell in love with running.
A few years after graduating high school, my passion for being active quickly faded due to life circumstances. Rather than facing the issues head on, I leaned into food and alcohol as a coping mechanism. Combine those habits with lack of activity, I gaining weight extremely fast.
In 2017 I decided that I was done wasting my life away so I was on a mission to find myself again. My weight loss journey is a whole story of trial and error but because I simply just started by putting one foot in front of the other, taking small actionable steps and following through on my promises, I’m now in a better place than I have ever been.
And that’s exactly why I have created my training and nutrition programs the way that I have. I want to help as many people as I can create their healthier, sustainable, HAPPY lives without feeling restricted.
I want nothing more than to help you, too. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your journey. We’re going to have so much fun together & we’re just getting started