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/Get Started Running

W2/D2 35 Minute Long Run

5.0|35 min|3 comments
Week 2 Day 2 35 Minute Long Run Welcome to your first long run. Now, before you get scared, remember you already ran for 20 minutes and 22 minutes. We’re only adding a little more time to your total. I don’t want you to do everything different unless you wanted to start off slower. That’s right, slower. You want to pace yourself for longer distances, so starting out running at full speed will cut your total time short. You can instead start your run at a slower pace and then gradually pick up the pace as you near the finish line. I want you to finish stronger than you started. You got this. I’ll see you at the finish line. Run at about a 4.5 - 5 out of 10 Speed or whatever you’re comfortable with.


Jeff 9mo ago
433 calorie burn for a quick 35min treadmill run 💪🏽
Jeff 1y ago
Quick 35min run 💪🏽
Widson 1y ago
Felt great after wards

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