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Fit By FouseyFit By Fousey
/Get Started Running

W1/D2 22 Minute Run

5.0|22 min|4 comments
Week 1 Day 2 22 Minute Run This is a 22 minute recovery run. See that? Only 2 minutes added from your first run. A lot of the times we feel like we must add 10 or 20 minutes to a run. No. We simply need to allow ourselves to make small incremental wins to get us closer to our goal. Pretty soon you will be running longer and harder. But not today. You’re goal is to not run at a fast pace, but rather a pace you are comfortable at to be able to talk while running. I personally choose to run at speed 4.5 on the treadmill.


Jeff 1y ago
A quick 270 calorie burn
Amber 1y ago
Honestly felt AMAZING
Jeff 1y ago
Nice way to end a workout for the day. 💪🏽
Carlos 1y ago
I was feeling super good today so I did jump rope, chest with the Spider-Man challenge then finished it off with this run…. I was HUMBLED, I don’t think I’ve worked this hard ever. However I know for a fact that if I can do this today then all of you reading this can too. Stay strong you guys.

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