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Fit By FouseyFit By Fousey
/Get Started Running

W2/D1 8 Interval Speed Run

5.0|30 min|2 comments
Week 2 Day 1 8 Interval Speed Run (Beginner) Welcome to the speed run. These are my favorite. Ever wonder how I cut weight so fast? Partly due to the fact that I always incorporate a speed run into my weekly training sessions. Don’t panic when you read the word speed. Speed can mean anything, depending on where you are at in the game. If you’re speed isn’t as fast as the person next to you or where you want it to be, that’s fine. You will get there. This run consists of 8 intervals switching between a fast pace and a walking pace. You can warm up with a slow jog for 5-10 minutes before beginning. When you are ready, pick up the pace and run at a pace that you are comfortable with for 1 minute. I choose to run between speed 6-8 on a standard treadmill. Once done, walk for 1 minute. Repeat the cycle 8 times and BAM, you’ve gained some speed!


Joselito 1y ago
The best is when you were so close to just NOT doing the workout, and you made every excuse, but you do it anyway, and it was the best feeling when you finish and do it.
Widson 1y ago
Wanted more time

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