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Corey Van DornCorey Van Dorn
/Spring Shred Challenge


5.0|65 min|3 comments
Abs & Core
Upper Body
All Levels
Accidentally scheduled it for Thursday, sorry for the late upload! Day 31 of the Spring Shred Challenge! Shoulder Day! Let’s grow those Delts!! Big shoulder day today! Let’s hit it! HEAVIER ON COMPOUNDS THIS WEEK Let’s smash it hard today yall! Starting off with solid pump, and then into heavy compounds. And finishing off with laterals, rears, and planks!!😁😁 Make sure to Complete AND REVIEW this workout, and Tag us on your Instagram Stories, Posts, and Reels! This will give you an advantage to win the Challenge, AND this will play a massive role in your SELF ACCOUNTABILITY! As always, remember that a workout is only as hard as you make it. If you get through all of the sets, and you’re not fatigued and your muscles are not exhausted, you probably did not push yourself deep enough into each set, and you may have chose a weight that was too light. Make sure to read the descriptions of each exercise as there are more detailed instructions on how to go about doing the sets, drop sets, negatives, etc. Also, all listed reps are SUGGESTED rep ranges. If you get to the listed 10 reps, and you can still do 2 more, then do those 2 more reps. Everything should be as close to failure as you can. That is where hypertrophy kicks in (AKA how you grow your muscles) On all sets unless it’s specifically noted as a warmup set, you should include doing partial reps and/or cheat reps after you reach perfect form failure.


Chanel 1mo ago
Boulder shoulders. 🥵
Eric 1mo ago
Shoulders were destroyed today!!! Great workout.
Nathanael 1mo ago
Great shoulder burn!

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Spring shred challenge overview